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Seminar „AM@MUL: Know-how für die industrielle Anwendung in der additiven Fertigung“

Beim Seminar „AM@MUL: Know-how für die industrielle Anwendung in der additiven Fertigung“ kamen rund 30 Experten und Expertinnen aus Forschung und Industrie zusammen, um sich über den aktuellen Stand der additiven Fertigung auszutauschen.

Die Vorträge deckten ein breites Spektrum ab: von innovativen Ansätzen in der Prozesstechnik über spezielle neue Materialien für die additive Fertigung bis hin zur Charakterisierung und Prüftechnik von gedruckten Teilen. Auch Themen wie nationale Fördermöglichkeiten für AM-orientierte Projekte sowie Umweltaspekte und Energiebedarf von AM-Verfahren wurden ausführlich behandelt.

Darüber hinaus bot die Veranstaltung zahlreiche Gelegenheiten zur Vernetzung und zum Anstoßen neuer Kooperationen.

Die Veranstaltung wurde von der AM@MUL im Kooperation mit Industriepartner Lithou, Hage3D, AMA Austria, Metalpine, Luxinergy und Resch-Fertigungstechnik und Prototypenbau durchgeführt.

Post Event Report

Around 30 experts from research and industry came together at the "AM@MUL: Know-how for industrial applications in additive manufacturing" seminar to discuss the current state of additive manufacturing.

The presentations covered a broad spectrum: from innovative approaches in process technology and special new materials for additive manufacturing to the characterization and testing technology of printed parts. Topics such as national funding opportunities for AM-oriented projects as well as environmental aspects and the energy requirements of AM processes were also covered in detail.

In addition, the event offered numerous opportunities for networking and initiating new collaborations.

The event was organized by AM@MUL in cooperation with industry partners Lithou, Hage3D, AMA Austria, Metalpine, Luxinergy and Resch-Fertigungstechnik und Prototypenbau.

Leoben, 20.6.2024


Science News

New research results on "Controlling the Glassy State toward Structural and Mechanical Enhancement: Additive Manufacturing of Bulk Metallic Glass Using Advanced Laser Beam Shaping Technology"
by Sepide Hadibeik, Hossein Ghasemi-Tabasi, Andreas Burn, Sébastien Lani, Florian Spieckermann, Jürgen Eckert published https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202311118

AM@MUL Community Meeting

March, 14 2024 AM@MUL held its community meeting at the Chair of Structural and Functional Ceramics. Current research topics - multi-material printing, cold sintering, material testing. - in the field of AM were discussed, and the lab for ceramic printing was presented. It was interesting  to see that this high tech technologiy can also applied for printing sweets and chocolate. Congratulations to the organizers Sabine Bodner, Tobias Prötsch, Josef Schlacher, Maximilian Staudacher, Arijit Jana and special thanks to Johanna Sänger for the sweet goodies!
Thanks Tanja Lube for taking the pictures!

AM@MUL has its own logo, thanks to all creative members of AM@MUL !!